Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Help make Samson's Lovely Mortal free on Amazon

As all of you ferocious readers out there know, Amazon occasionally price-matches free books on other sites. I would love for them to make Samson's Lovely Mortal free on Amazon again so that more readers get a chance at reading the first book in the series for free.

If you want to help me with that, here's what you can do:

Go to the book on Amazon: Samson's Lovely Mortal and click on " Tell us about a lower price" (just below the bestseller ranking in the middle of the page.

Then fill in the window that opens up and tell them it's available for $0 at either of the following links  (just copy and paste the links):

Thanks for your help! And I hope Amazon listens to you!

Moving Day ahead

I think it is only once we prepare for a house or apartment move that we realize how complicated our lives have gotten.

My husband and I are just preparing to move out of our condo and into a larger apartment in the next few days, and after putting a list together of all the people and places we have to notify with our new address, I'm stunned.

Over 40 places? And that doesn't include any friends or family. It's all companies like Netflix, Credit Cards, insurance companies, DMV, phone companies, banks, RWA, AAA. You name it, we have it.

I remember my first move in the US in 2000 when I moved from NY to LA. I had three suitcases and a couple of boxes that I shipped cross country, as well as two places to notify of my new address: the only credit card company I had a card from, and my bank. I had no cell phone, no insurances, no memberships at any organizations, no subscriptions.

Eleven years later, I have all the trappings of society. No wonder I'm always so busy, and no wonder I dread this move so much, even though I know we need the extra space. After all, I need a private office to have the peace and quiet I need to continue writing my books now that my husband is at home (early retirement, lucky man!).

So, if I fall off the internet in the next few days you know where I'll be: somewhere with my head buried in a moving box.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Do you have a blog?

Would you like to host an interview, excerpt, and/or a giveaway?

I released my 2nd Greek God romantic comedy, A Scent of Greek, on August 20th and would like to tour several blogs with it.

Contact me if you want me to appear on your blog.


Click on cover to be taken to Amazon to read more about the book: